Foggy Day for a Foggy Mind

Foggy Day for a Foggy Mind

My head and heart are still in a turmoil and I’ve not had a chance to really resolve anything yet, but I did need to take a break, just to rest! I declared a “Run Screaming for the Hills” mental health activity and spent half a day at Government Canyon State Natural Area.

I went early, arriving before 8:00 and found the area shrouded in fog. Cool! Everything was dripping, almost Pacific Northwest-like. The parking lot was already full and the lower trails were infested with people, so I quickly headed to the higher and rougher sections. The rocks were pretty slick and the bikes that passed me were slipping and sliding along.

I followed all the Bluff Spurs hiking-only sections, had a late breakfast, continued up Sendero Balcones, and came down Wildcat Canyon.

Good rest for the mind and great workout for the body.

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